CheckUp & Choices

Change you relationship with substance use

Drinkers CheckUp:





CheckUp & Choices helps with


The Check-In is a 3-month follow-up to the initial CheckUp. It assesses your progress in modifying drinking habits and reducing related issues. By taking it every 3 months, you stay on track and maintain positive changes.

If you're thinking about reducing or stopping your alcohol intake, the CheckUp is the ideal starting point. This extensive tool enables you to examine your drinking habits closely, receive unbiased feedback, and develop a plan to alter your behavior if you decide to do so. It is extremely effective because it strengthens your internal motivation for a beneficial transformation.

Taking Steps to Change Your Drinking or Drug Use

The Choices program utilizes cognitive behavioral strategies to help with maintaining motivation and persistence with change.

If you have decided to cut back on your alcohol consumption, the Moderate Alcohol program can assist you in achieving your goals.

Each program includes a guided email option. This 12-week course consists of weekly emails that help you work through the exercises, formulate plans, and evaluate your progress.

Are you planning to quit alcohol? The Abstain Alcohol Program can help you reach your target.

Other substance use concerns? Programs are also available to help support the discontinuation marijuana, stimulants, and opioids.

