A human life exists behind every overdose statistic





iEXIST, LLC was founded to save and rebuild lives. Plain and simple. Click below to watch a short animated video to learn more about who we are, what we do, and why we do it.

We believe there is a better way

Since 1999, more than 1 Million lives have been lost to drug overdose in the United States alone. In recent years, this toll has exceeded 100,000 annually.

We invite you join us in this movement for meaningful change to save lives TODAY.

Deaths from dug overdose in the U.S. in 2021: 106,699

Deaths of American soldiers during the 20-year conflict in Vietnam: 58,300

Solutions through Synergy

Connecting needs to technologies that help make recovery possible.

Our goal is to empower individuals to reach their full potential and achieve greater independence and wellness. By working together and leveraging the latest in assistive technology, we can be more responsive to individual needs and develop strategies that build lasting success.

By integrating assistive technologies into existing processes, we can enhance treatment effectiveness, save providers' time, and improve outcomes for consumers. We promote individuals receiving the appropriate technologies at each stage of the recovery process, addressing their unique needs. Our approach is especially beneficial for underrepresented populations, including those experiencing homelessness or involved in the justice system.

Meeting people where they are...


Helping them to where they want to be

iEXIST offers 5 focus areas to connect you to the information and tools you need every step of the way.



Harm Reduction.

Treatment & Recovery.


Our dedicated team is here to connect you to the resources you need for your personal recovery or to support someone else on their journey. With our expertise and guidance, we will be your trusted partner as you take that crucial next step on your path to recovery.